To create an account on Subcity Life, please follow these four steps: Sign up by filling in your details and submitting.
Basic User Details
1. Basic User Details This step gathers your basic information to create an account on our website. Once you complete this step, you’ll be able to log in using your username and password at any time to access your account.
2. Type of Services Please select the service that best matches your needs from the list provided. Your choice will guide us in taking you to the next steps specific to that service, ensuring you get the most tailored experience.
3. Services Details Since you've selected one of our service programs, we now need a few details about your company and the admin login credentials you’d like to use. This will create your company account within the chosen program, allowing you access to both the portal and mobile app using these login details.
3. Purchase Details To complete your setup, we’ll need a few more details to finalize your purchase. This step ensures that your account is ready for full access to our services.
Type of Services
Purchase Details
The details you entered already exist in our system.
Please use a different email or username to sign up, or login if you already have an account.